Prompt Therapy

PROMPT therapy, or Prompts for Restructuring Oral Muscular Phonetic Targets, is a highly effective and evidence-based treatment approach used by speech therapists to improve speech production in individuals with various speech and language disorders. This technique involves the use of touch cues or prompts to help clients develop and refine their oral motor movements, resulting in improved speech clarity and accuracy.

During PROMPT therapy, a speech therapist uses their hands to guide the client’s facial muscles and help them produce the correct sounds and words. The therapist gently places their hands on the client’s face and jaw to provide tactile cues that stimulate the correct muscle movements needed for speech production. These cues are designed to help the client become more aware of how their oral muscles should feel when producing certain sounds or words.

PROMPT therapy is a versatile approach that can be adapted to meet the unique needs of individuals with a variety of clinical diagnoses, including childhood apraxia of speech, dysarthria, and autism spectrum disorder. It can also be used with clients of all ages, from young children to adults.

One of the key benefits of PROMPT therapy is that it can be highly effective in improving speech production in individuals who have not responded to other forms of therapy. This is because the technique directly targets the underlying motor movements involved in speech production, rather than just focusing on speech sounds in isolation.

Research has shown that PROMPT therapy can lead to significant improvements in speech production and intelligibility for individuals with a range of speech and language disorders. In addition to improving speech clarity, PROMPT therapy can also help individuals increase their overall communication skills and confidence.

At our clinic, our speech therapists are trained and experienced in using PROMPT therapy as part of our comprehensive speech and language services. We work closely with clients and their families to create personalized treatment plans that incorporate this technique, as well as other evidence-based approaches, to help individuals achieve their speech and language goals.