What to expect from your first appointment with a speech therapist 

If you’re scheduled to visit a speech therapist for the first time, you may have a few questions or concerns about what to expect. Don’t worry, your first appointment with a speech therapist is a positive step towards improving your communication skills and achieving your speech and language goals.

Medical history

During your first visit, the speech therapist will likely start by getting to know you and your background. This may include asking you questions about your medical history, previous communication disorders, any medications you’re taking, and your lifestyle. This information is important to help the therapist understand your unique needs and develop a personalized treatment plan.


Next, the speech therapist will conduct a comprehensive evaluation of your speech and language skills. This may involve tasks such as repeating words or phrases, reading aloud, and engaging in conversation. The therapist may also assess your voice quality, fluency, and overall communication abilities. Based on the results of this assessment, the therapist will be able to identify any areas of weakness or potential disorders that require further attention.

Once the assessment is complete, the speech therapist will discuss the results with you and develop a personalized treatment plan. This plan may include specific exercises and techniques to help you improve your speech and language skills, as well as advice on lifestyle changes that can help support your progress. Your therapist will also set goals for your therapy and provide you with resources and tools to help you achieve those goals.

Teamwork between patient and clinician

It’s important to remember that speech therapy is a collaborative effort between you and your therapist. Your participation and dedication to your therapy program are critical to achieving success. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, voice concerns, or provide feedback during your therapy sessions. Your therapist is there to support you and help you achieve your communication goals, so it’s important to work together towards a common goal.

In conclusion, your first appointment with a speech therapist is an important step towards improving your communication skills and achieving your speech and language goals. By providing a thorough evaluation, developing a personalized treatment plan, and working collaboratively with you, your speech therapist can help you reach your full potential and improve your overall quality of life.